Oh sorry for that, followers. If you tried to comment on my previous post, you probably couldn't. My fault. I accidentally did something to the blog settings and I unabled my followers to comment on posts for a minute there.
And my computer all of a sudden shut down yesterday, so I couldn't change the settings. Eh. I thought it was broken at first. Cause like it breaks for every stupid reason, and its really beggining to get frustrating. Well it doesnt really break, but it just shuts down at random times. I like to say it has broken trances. Well cause I often hit the 'off' key with my knee and it shuts down, and when one of the countless programs in it has to restart, so does my computer. It is really annoying.
Anyway, I know I have been complaining an awful lot about coldness due to AC's, but I also hate when they completely break. For example, my AC breaks sooooooooooooooo many times, its not even funny. And we can never tell until we figure out that there must be SOMTHING behind our uncontrolable sweating. We even had to go to one of those really cheap hotels to spend the night once because it was so hot outside and the AC broke. The only good part is that I can take those awsome tiny shampoo bottles home. They are so awsome.
Ugh now please feel free to post because I finally fixed the whole commenting problem.
1 people took the time to write a comment:
Interesting...i lurve my pc. even though it fails at life...
"_people value the existence of this post" come on man, be a little bit more original copy-cat.
Our AC doesn't break...but when it did we almost like died. Heat.
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