No seriously, that was very punny.
I'm laughing, can't you see?
I absolutely hate how sarcasm does not transfer well over text.
So I have been trying to find puns that are actually funny, and since I will laugh at anything, I test my puns on people to see if they are actually funny. These are the REAL funny ones, origninals by me:
So my friend has a ginea pig named Apollo. It is very light.
So a patient texts a dentist "Can you clean my teeth?" and the dentist responds "But IDK you."
These are some that are not MY puns, so they are not nearly as funny as mine:
Q: What did the seed say when it grew?
A: Geometry
Q: Why did the Energizer Bunny get arrested?
A: Because it was charged with battery.
Q: How many ears does Captain Kirk have?
A: Three. A left ear, a right ear, and a final frontyear.
If you laughed, you are very wise. If not, then you have no sence of humor.
Again, I hate how sarcasm doesn't transfer well over text.
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