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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Its too late to apologize?

Thats what I'm gessing, given that a certain blog of mine remains having only three followers (Thank you, FlossingSunshine and Sharkie. Sunshine, this post is in no way reffering to you; Sharkie, I'm not done about you)

I do recall making two posts advertising and telling you to become followers of Ticket Booth Tales. I guess this shall be the fourth.
Hikari. DancingToast. Become. Followers. Now. !. !. !. Please. :).

And I just noticed that I have five followers on BTDT instead of six, and my five followers do not include one of the people who actually comment, and therefore, read BTDT. You know who you are. So follow. The rest of you, figure it out, and tell them to follow.
Please :)

Thank you. Now please enjoy a few words I have to tell you.

Bumblebee. Blueberry. Banana phone.
That will be all.

12 people took the time to write a comment:

Sharkie said...

I alreay told you, I DONT' LIKE YOU. Therefore, WHY WOULD I FOLLOW YOU? And technecally, I DO follow you because I (sometimes) read your posts and comment, SO SUCK IT UP.

Nick Lopez said...

Oh really...? Two can play THAT game.

Nick Lopez said...

I'm not mean, so therefore I don't unfollow people for stupid reasons.

Sharkie said...

So now I'm mean? And stupid? That's not very nice.

Anonymous said...

hey.. its camila ;)

naighborhoodblogger said...

now you know why its too late to learn how to spell neighborhood

Nick Lopez said...

Sharkie- I believe my choice of words was somewhat unadequate. Allow me to refrase. I am sympathetic, so I do not unfollow people for unwise reasons.

Anonymous- I believe the purpose of being anonymous is not saying who you are...

naighboorhoodblogger- Indeed I do.

Sharkie said...

Friends don't let other friends feel quite unwelcome and unwanted at lunch tables, and then force them to leave even though they got moved from there own tables and had no where else to go.

Sharkie said...

They also don't ask to sit at there new lunch table, though you were really just using it as a cover up, and then leave with no explanation. Not even a sorry.

Anonymous said...

I don't follow you guys' train of thought. Am I missing something here?
Anyway, your new blog is all about movie reviews, and I already know which movies I want to see. Besides, I'm following a million blogs. By the way, what on XXYYZ-I were you/your parents thinking when you/they brought your little sister to a rated R movie?? (The Hangover)

Sharkie said...

Yeah, Im just kinda mad at him for something(s) he did at lunch, it was nothing really bad, but it just really like hurt my feelings. AND THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OF THE OTHER PEOPLE AT THE LUNCH TABLE THAT DAY, all of the other guys were nice and it was our fault for invading like that, but you-know-who could have been nicer about it, it was really hurtful.

Dancing Toast said...

Awww, Sharkie! I'm so sorry! I was so guilty when you looked so sad when we told you to leave! I kinda wanted you to, since it was too crowded, but I also didn't wanna hurt your feelings, so I'm really really REALLY SORRY.