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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Lovely Phones

Bonjour, faithful followers! I'm back, even though I posted like on Wednesday (wait let me check.... Yup Wednesday), and I am dying of boredom. Not really dying, but yes I could use something to do right now besides posting and watching/reading movie reviews. It is kind of creepy because I have become a movie freak, like when someone says 'Oh *insert actor here* is in that movie!', I'll say, 'You mean the guy who won an Oscar for *insert here* and *insert here*?' I just came back from a WAGS (Walking Around Garage Sales), and I am thoroughly exhausted, bored, and thirsty. I have had a recent crave of horror movies, because it is always interesting to see the different plots and characters that they have. Plus, horror movies are the kind that either fail or win, and nowhere in between. Mostly because I was looking around Rotten Tomatoes and I saw a bunch of reviews for Paranormal Activity, which made me go on YouTube for video reviews. I spent like all afternoon yesterday doing just that. So now I really want to see Paranormal Activity, although I don't, because I am scared that I will get too scared. But I am going to watch it anyways, because here is my to-do list of 2010:

  • Watch Paranormal Activity
And that is it for now because I can't think of anything else. My mind was wandering to the side of "plant a cactus" so I just stopped thinking and decided to leave the thinking for later.
I was looking through RT I saw the most curious title. "The Lovely Phones." I thought to myself wow. fail. But then I realized that it was all my dyslexic mind (I don't really have dyslexia, I just feel like I do sometimes).
 I am hoping to watch The Lovely Bones, because it seems to have an interesting story. Which is wierd because it was once "the book which every girl must read this year". The reviews have been mixed, and most of the positivity in the reviews was in the acting, which makes me not raise my expectations too much. Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you have probably seen this trailer on TV.


5 people took the time to write a comment:

Sharkie said...


Anonymous said...

Then I guess I've been living under a rock. This trailer seems good.

Nick Lopez said...

Sharkie- Nice

Hikari- rofl. And it does.

Sharkie said...

Nice what? Oh and i locked my self in my room and am watching G.O.F.

Dancing Toast said...

Then I must live under a rock; I am deprived of TV, so I didn't see the trailer.