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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh dear... Another cheap AT&T commercial...

I mean those commercials are so stupid! They try to decieve people, but really, they never actually do (or at least that is just me.) For example.

To begin with, your five little categories are so stupid.
1) A better 3G experience is purely subjective.
2) Talk and surf at the same time. Well, only a few phones have the capability, and it is only one little feature, for crying outloud!
3) Most popular smart phones. Ehh that does not mean you are better......
4) Access to over 100,000 apps. Oh come on, we both now that's the app store, not you, smart one....
5) Name that starts with the letter V. If this is your attempt to make Verison Wireless look bad by making it only win one stupid category, allow me to HA. Your categories were all stupid and only specified to small features of AT&T. It is not so much of an exageration to say that this category is as important as the others.

Example #2

Um, the AT&T box had a head start!

Even I am an AT&T customer, and this isn't me trashing your company, and I have no complains about your service, but if you guys are going to advertise, do it honestly!

Seriously, its basically like saying:

"Purchase Heaven's Valley Bee Honey Bee Made Honey! Plus, if you buy one for the price of two, you get one free! Heaven's Valley Co. is not responcible for any injuries, deaths, succesful and non-succesful suicide attempts. And by the way, Earth's Valley Bee Bumble Bee Made Honey has 1% sugar."


3 people took the time to write a comment:

Sharkie said...

Hahaha, okay, I have to admit, your right, and that was kinda funny.

Anonymous said...

Your little honey comparison doesn't make sense at all. "Buy one for the price of two, and get one free" just means buy two for the price of...two.
Honey is supposed to have sugar, lame-o companies.
Why is AT&T even allowed to make Verizon look bad?

Nick Lopez said...

Sharkie- I am always right.

Hikari- My point exactly