I really want it to get colder. It is really hot here in *insert location*! Well not reallly hot, its just too hot for winter. I WANT COLD!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! The atmosphere is very holiday-y. And 2010 is comming up, which is exciting. I hear people in school saying: Oh no, 2012 is a year closer. People, the world won't end in 2012! Take a chill pill. It's so superstious. I don't believe in that mumbo-jumbo. Which is wierd because I belive in karma and in all those things that cause bad luck.
Anyways, I was thinking piggy banks are the wickedest objects. I mean you put your money in a pig. How originally awesome is that? I have this cool Bahamas one that has a beach with a bunch of palm trees in it and stuff. Its really cool. I never use it, but still, sometimes I'll out a dime or something in there just for the heck of it.
And speaking of pigs, the whole swineflu/h1n1 virus isn't so talked about anymore. People have calmed down from the neat-freakishness that the whole swine flu thing caused them to develope.
I've got to go. Destiny calls. Till we meet again (or till I next post), au revoir.
2 people took the time to write a comment:
I painted my own piggy bank, and it's so cute. His name is Floyd because he's pink. The band, Pink Floyd, anyone?
I don't believe in 2012, either. I think I have bad luck too, but less so than some people.
I think hand sanitizer companies received a major increase in sales after this swine flu thing.
That is hilarious. And that is a good point, they must be making one heck of a profit...
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