Now isn't that like awesome? I wonder how they editied it... It musn't have been that challenging.
Go Lady Gaga! We at BTDT support you at the Grammy's!
Oh did I mention the Grammy's are tonight? Well they are, at 8PM Eastern Time on CBS, thats channel 2 for me. Oh my! Lady Gaga has 5 nominations!
What's that, Britney? You only have one? Oh what a pitty...
I doubt many of you will watch it, though, cause I don't know if many of you are into music.
I really want to make this short, because I am kind of lazy busy, so I would like to end this post asking you, my faithful fans, a crucial question.
Are you a Mac or a PC?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
We're all fans.
Posted by Nick Lopez at 5:21 PM 2 people took the time to write a comment
Labels: awards, music, technology
Thursday, January 28, 2010
How do I cope with this?
The platter is filled with mouthwatering chocolate pastries; oozing caramel lays there shining, everything looking like heaven. I reach for the most delicious looking one in the corner, next to the toffees; I take a bite, then-
That's enough for me. I am already nauseated by its overwhelming sweetness. Now that I rethink the situation, I think to myself, why did I ever have one in the first place?
I am sorry, but I am a wierd person in general when it comes to sugar. I mean it is a rare situation when I am actually lured to have chocolate or anything of the sort. It's just I am way too easily nauseated by sweetness. Its like today, when the Academy was selling Lollipops for Pups, I swear I think three fourths of the people there bought one. The brand claims that its lollipops are gourmet, but to me, they are another ball of frozen syrup on a stick. I just can't take a lot of candy stuff. Except, of course, gummies and gum.
I just realized I am too lazy person when I go to other people's houses at night. Let me rephrase that, I am too lazy when I go to other people's houses. Scratch that. I am too lazy.
Anyways, my computer is failing on me. We think it is a virus of some sort, because it will just randomly shut down or say "Malfunction", and other typical malfunctioning technology things. It will also just start randomly beeping, which gives me SOME hope that the anti-virus is working. Because, and I am trying to look at this positively, it's probably one of those cursing viruses, and though the anti-virus failed to block it, it probably is still covering the curse words with the beeping noise.
-_- How do I keep up with this?! The way I look at it is that someday I will be rich and famous and be living in New York City, and receive letters from my faithful fans complaining about how they have to cope up with failing computers, bad movies, and annoying GPSs, and I will be able to say "Been there done that"
Posted by Nick Lopez at 9:07 PM 1 people took the time to write a comment
Labels: food, life, technology
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Oh dear... Another cheap AT&T commercial...
I mean those commercials are so stupid! They try to decieve people, but really, they never actually do (or at least that is just me.) For example.
To begin with, your five little categories are so stupid.
1) A better 3G experience is purely subjective.
2) Talk and surf at the same time. Well, only a few phones have the capability, and it is only one little feature, for crying outloud!
3) Most popular smart phones. Ehh that does not mean you are better......
4) Access to over 100,000 apps. Oh come on, we both now that's the app store, not you, smart one....
5) Name that starts with the letter V. If this is your attempt to make Verison Wireless look bad by making it only win one stupid category, allow me to HA. Your categories were all stupid and only specified to small features of AT&T. It is not so much of an exageration to say that this category is as important as the others.
Example #2
Um, the AT&T box had a head start!
Even I am an AT&T customer, and this isn't me trashing your company, and I have no complains about your service, but if you guys are going to advertise, do it honestly!
Seriously, its basically like saying:
"Purchase Heaven's Valley Bee Honey Bee Made Honey! Plus, if you buy one for the price of two, you get one free! Heaven's Valley Co. is not responcible for any injuries, deaths, succesful and non-succesful suicide attempts. And by the way, Earth's Valley Bee Bumble Bee Made Honey has 1% sugar."
Posted by Nick Lopez at 7:26 PM 3 people took the time to write a comment
Labels: television
Monday, January 25, 2010
District 9
So, I have just finished watching District 9. I am speechless.
Yeah right, you wish... I am never speechless.
I feel like this is Peter Jackson weekend or something, because as you might recall, I recently reviewed The Lovely Bones, which was directed by Peter Jackson, and now I am reviewing a movie produced by Peter Jackson. I feel the sudden urge to write a Peter Jackson biography... You know what, followers? Change of plan; instead of reviewing District 9 I will be telling the story of Peter Jackson's life.
Just kidding.
It really is a very human film. It shows how amongst District 9, prawns form gangs, smuggle weapons, steal, and do that sort of things that you would find in a troubled human community in reality. You see how humans sneak into District 9 and form this sort of mafia within it, and how their cruel ambition to master alien weaponry leads them to kill prawns for weapons. It is genius how they sneaked their belief of sorcery and the supernatural into District 9, which very much makes District 9 like any other troubled city, except it has aliens. It all feels very genuine and human.
You even see the example of government mistreating their own people when you see them literally force this mutated, shocked, scared, and innocent field agent down as they try to pry his chest open. It shows both how far people will go in really desperate straits and how ignorant they can be.
Posted by Nick Lopez at 7:40 PM 3 people took the time to write a comment
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Lovely Bones
All in all, this movie was much better than I thought it would be. I think what today's critics are really missing is a broad imagination, and they have learned to go too much by the book rather than say "Hey, that was creative!"
The Lovely Bones is a great movie, that although has some minor flaws, is wonderfully directed and is emotionally stunning, shocking, and satisfying.
My verdict: 9/10
Posted by Nick Lopez at 11:51 AM 3 people took the time to write a comment
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Ugly Truth
Scratch that.... The Horrid Truth.
The ugly truth in this movie is so dreadfully hideous that it is not even as if the dart missed the dart board, it is as if it missed the dart board and landed on your foot.
My verdict: 3/10
Posted by Nick Lopez at 11:37 AM 4 people took the time to write a comment
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I don't have anybody to thank!
It's trivia Thursday!
Did you know...
The novel "The Devil Wears Prada" was written by a former assistant of editor-in-chief of fashion magazine Vogue, and is speculated to be based on her real life experience as assistant of Anna Wintour. Ironically, Wintour attended the New York premier of the film adaptation wearing head-to-toe Prada.
And I will also go ahead and do speech Friday because I will not be able to post tomorow.
"If you start playing violins, I will tear this join apart. First of all I would like to thank Susan Downey for telling me that Matt Damon was going to win so don't bother to prepare a speech. That was at about ten in the morning. I don't have anybody to thank! I'm sorry, everyone's been so gratuitous, it was collaboration, and we all did this together. Certainly I'm gonna thank Warner Brothers. Alan Horn and... My god robbing off these guys, they needed me! Avatar is gonna takes us to the cleaners! If they didn't have me they didn't have a shot, buddy!"
-Robert Downey, Jr., acceptance speech for Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Motion Picture Comedy or Musical for his role in Sherlock Holmes.
I would like to make an account of something that happened to me while I was at Wendy's.
I was going to have the usual '#6, medium fries, Coca-Cola, yes fries, yes medium, no slushy, I already said fries, oh for goodness sake get some hearing aid, lady!', but the problem was that I (father) only had a $100 bill. I asked if they accepted one hundred dollar bills, and the lady just looks at me in the most annoyed look, as if I was Bernie Madoff, and in a very hesitant way said 'yes'. I gave it to her, and she impatiently began looking for change for six dollars and ninety nine cents. She had to look in two cash registers. I kinda felt bad for her not. But if annoyed cashier lady is reading this right now, I would like to point out that just because YOU probably didn't do good in math, which is probably the reason you are working at a Wendy's, does not mean that you should be mad if you are required to subtract 100-6.09 once in a blue moon!
Anyways, I mentioned earlier I am not going to be able to post tomorow. That is because I am going to watch Le Cossard Beau, or in more English terms, The Lovely Bones. Expect a review on Saturday, or Sunday, or soon.
Posted by Nick Lopez at 5:01 PM 7 people took the time to write a comment
Labels: books, celebrities, life, movies, stories
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Once again, faithful follower, I must ask too much of you.
What has this blog become about? Movies, or in more film adequate words, film. Which is kind of wierd because I have always wanted to be a lawyer, and for the past six months I have aquired an obsesseion with film. I don't even watch television shows anymore, only if they are related to film. In the internet I research film. I blog about film. I am left puzzled because it is so easy for me to post about film rather than post about my boring life. I need your help.
I don't know what makes this blog funny or interesting or worth following. You tell me. I am thinking of making this blog completely film related. And I would have to keep it that way, because I have already reformed it once not one month ago. Should I do this? Or not? Please be honest and I really need you to comment on this one.
How did I become aware of this? Labels. Because really, most of my posts are now about movies. Which is odd, because the purpose of this blog is supposed to be about randomness. I really don't know what to do, nor am I more inclined to change the blog. This is only one of my thoughts, not a major 'health care reformal' type of thing.
If not, I am thinking of, come February, change my blog to an actual theme/purpose, because the whole broad genre thing is really annoying me here. Why? I always have a why. So I sit on my chair and stretch my arms, crack my knuckles, and click 'New Post'. And I think to myself: "What can I post about?" Everything. Because it has no specific genre, purpose, theme, whatever you want to call it. So, I need you to comment and tell me if I should change this blog to completely film related, or if not, to what specific purpose it should serve, or if I should just leave it. Because, really, I am clueless on what to do. And you, my faithful followers, are the entire purpose of this blog. I need to make a decision come February. Please comment.
Posted by Nick Lopez at 4:17 PM 3 people took the time to write a comment
Labels: blogs
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Lovely Phones
Bonjour, faithful followers! I'm back, even though I posted like on Wednesday (wait let me check.... Yup Wednesday), and I am dying of boredom. Not really dying, but yes I could use something to do right now besides posting and watching/reading movie reviews. It is kind of creepy because I have become a movie freak, like when someone says 'Oh *insert actor here* is in that movie!', I'll say, 'You mean the guy who won an Oscar for *insert here* and *insert here*?' I just came back from a WAGS (Walking Around Garage Sales), and I am thoroughly exhausted, bored, and thirsty. I have had a recent crave of horror movies, because it is always interesting to see the different plots and characters that they have. Plus, horror movies are the kind that either fail or win, and nowhere in between. Mostly because I was looking around Rotten Tomatoes and I saw a bunch of reviews for Paranormal Activity, which made me go on YouTube for video reviews. I spent like all afternoon yesterday doing just that. So now I really want to see Paranormal Activity, although I don't, because I am scared that I will get too scared. But I am going to watch it anyways, because here is my to-do list of 2010:
- Watch Paranormal Activity
I was looking through RT I saw the most curious title. "The Lovely Phones." I thought to myself wow. fail. But then I realized that it was all my dyslexic mind (I don't really have dyslexia, I just feel like I do sometimes).
I am hoping to watch The Lovely Bones, because it seems to have an interesting story. Which is wierd because it was once "the book which every girl must read this year". The reviews have been mixed, and most of the positivity in the reviews was in the acting, which makes me not raise my expectations too much. Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you have probably seen this trailer on TV.
Posted by Nick Lopez at 10:25 PM 5 people took the time to write a comment
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The best things come in small packages. Or which ever size is cheaper.
It is all about the profit. I always say to look at the world realistically. Really. Like a perfume. No one really cares if you smell more to the rose side rather than the pomegranate side, or vice versa. Just grab the cheapest fine perfume and buy it already. I hate it when people take sayings wrongly. Because this saying doesn't mean that you should always buy the smaller things in a shelf. If you don't know what it means, then don't apply it in life, for you will probably end up making yourself look foolish.
For instance, when I first heard the word hostile, I thought it meant very nice, friendly, generous, and those types of words. Of course, I assumed this, when I could have played it smart and looked in a dictionary. But no, I was too lazy. Then when I came to visit a friend's house once, I couldn't stifle my polite personality and just had to tell Mrs.*insert friend's last name here* how good she treated her guests, and it was also the perfect opportunity to use a new word I learned. So, as you might have guessed, I told her she was very hostile. And to flatter her, I just had to emphasize the 'very'. And worst of all, I only found out the real meaning of the word several years later when it appeared in our vocabulary book at school.
Oh iTunes charts, you have, for the first time, failed me. Sad to admit, but as I recently checked the iTunes charts, I couldn't help but to gasp loudly, and then sigh sadly. I believe I have briefly expressed my agonizing reaction to dislike of Ke$ha music (in this post), but I have never directly addressed it. Now, I think, would be the appropriate time to do so. I can almost hear the clock ticking down her fifteen minutes of fame. Some of you might argue that Tik Tok is a very good song, but I disagree. I shall not go more in depth. After she released her debut album, Animal, which I also do not like too much, her song "Blah blah blah" became first in the charts, followed by Tik Tok. Ugh.
Posted by Nick Lopez at 7:29 PM 0 people took the time to write a comment
Monday, January 11, 2010
162 minutes
Rated PG-13
Posted by Nick Lopez at 6:49 PM 6 people took the time to write a comment
Saturday, January 9, 2010
You just killed it.
Killed what, you ask? The entire franchise.
Join me as I count down the worst sequels of 2009. The bad thing about a bad sequel is that: Firstly, most of the time, if not based on literature, no one asked for it. Secondly, it ruins the entire series. Don't worry, though, I won't include New Moon, although I didn't particularly enjoy it, but it didn't quite reach the 'bad' level, nor did it ruin the Twilight movie series, nor did I 100% regret seeing it. Yes, critics panned it, but screw critics. What kind of person makes a living of looking for defects in movies?
What gave me this idea is that this year I have panned many movies, loved many, and many I had mixed feelings about. I do believe I have talked about HBP, New Moon, Sherlock Holmes, and several others, but I haven't actually made a list. I don't like criticizing movies either, don't get me wrong; it is just that 2009 had many awfully horrid terrible sequels.
5. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
The name, as I had said before, did not entice me to see the movie. But since I liked the first one, I decided I simply had to see it, because it is the kind of movie that is much better in the big screen than on your television set. It did have a lot of new and interesting looking characters. But I wasn't at all surprised when I realized the movie had sucked. Really, I wasn't. The plot had a creative initiative but failed to captivate. Night at the Museum is one of those movies that should have been kept untouched, unchanged, and un-continued. Like Grease. That movie was worth a long round of applause. The sequel was a fail. The same with Night at the Museum. The plot is too unique and specific. The sequel was overkill.
4. Angels and Demons
This sequel, which actually is a prequel, I actually had expectations for. The Da'Vinci Code was very good, though long. When I went to see Night at the Museum 2 for the first time, we actually ended up seeing Angels and Demons; and I would have much rather watched the other one. This is one of those bad movies that are long, which are the worst kind. The plot was completely un-followable, with far too many twists and a requirement of an Einstein type IQ; a problem that I thought was similar to that of The Dark Night. I had to watch it twice to somewhat understand it. And, unlike The Da'Vinci Code, it was VERY unrealistic. Right from the begginig, when we see a sort of nuclear factory and an eyeball on the floor, I knew this. If you haven't watched this one, don't.
3. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
I was not a big fan of X-Men; nor am I now. To tell the truth, I haven't watched the first one. I liked the second one after watching it on like ABC or something, and then I went to see the third one at the movie theater. Then I saw the trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I didn't know whether to have expectations for it or not. The movie was a mix of a bunch of clichés, explosions, and fights. It was about as long as Night at the Museum, but boy did it feel longer than that. The beginning was somewhat captivating, but then it went on into another overly-extravagant plot that only a hard core fan can follow. It was like the entire movie was supposed to be three, and that it was crammed all together into a complete overkill. At the same time it is very vague, dark, and lacks the charm of the original X-Men series.
2. The Pink Panther 2
This one I had zero expectations for. I was definitly not going to watch it in theaters, nor pay seven dollars at Blockbuster for it, so I waited until the pay-per-view price was down to three dollars and watched it. It didn't disappoint me, just because I didn't expect anything. Once again, Steve Martin wastes his valuable talent on a movie that was saved from rock bottom by his acting. I kind of enjoyed the first movie, but this one was just plain bad. The plot was... wait a second... plot? What am I saying? What plot? Again, the Pink Panther diamond is stolen, which makes the movie awfully unoriginal. What really saved the first movie from the bad level was Beyonce, but sadly, Britney Spears wasn't here to save this one. A lot of people trip, a lot of stuff gets broken, and a lot of words are mispronounced: but all it leads to is a reel of lame gags.
1. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Oh yes, Michael Bay, I am REALLY going to add insult to injury to this one, because not only was it a disgrace to the first movie, but it made me spend twelve dollars when I could have just started banging a bunch of cooking pans together and have gotten the same outcome for free. It was the perfect recipe for disaster: bad, complicated, long, and noisy. And I REALLY had high expectations for this one after its prequel. After twenty minutes I just wanted it to end. The plot here really was un-followable, and half of it was explosions. Yes, the special effects were good, but you need more than that to make a good movie, Michael Bay. The worst thing about it was the never-ending noise; it was torture. Megan Fox acted horridly badly, and in every scene had perfect make up and high heels on. And forgive me, but I have to pan the plot again. It was very, very, very complicated. The movie was very, very, very long. The special effects were very, very, very obnoxious. The noise was very, very, very excruciating. The outcome was very, very, very bad.
Needless to say I won't be watching Transformers 3 in 2011.
Posted by Nick Lopez at 1:39 PM 3 people took the time to write a comment
Friday, January 8, 2010
"Marilyn Monroe looks pretty." "Eh thats Meryl Streep." "I don't care."
^Yes you do!^
I hate it when people do that. Of course you care!!!
OMG its Speech Friday! Let's see.... I know!
"Farewell, Aragog, king of arachnids, whose long and faithful friendship those who knew won't forget! Though your body will decay, your spirit lingers on in the quiet, web-spun places of your forest home. May your many-eyed descendants ever flourish and your human friends find solace for the loss they have sustained."
-Horace Slughorn, perhaps, the only person( though fictional) who can make flowers out of garbage (figuratively).
And I do need to give a big hello to my faithful followers whom I know to be reading this, because I haven't posted since Monday. I apologize, but I did have more time to post during Winter Break. Yes, I am back at the academy, sadly, and have returned in engaging in the act of, as they call it these days, learning. And Winter Break was not as wintery as The-Gloomy-Days-Following-Winter-Break, which have so far been ridiculously cold. One good thing out of it is that the academy has allowed us to wear jeans during these freezing days.
OH NO!!! Transformers is having another sequel. This one which nobody asked for. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. No kidding. I left the movie theater with two nearly deaf ears and one heck of a headache. But it has to be the best non-book based sequel name ever. I will give examples.
1) You may be unaware that a Cats and Dogs sequel is coming out. Why why why so many un-asked-for sequels! But the worst part is the name. Cats and Dogs: the Revenge of Kitty Galore. Oh yes, this is no joke. It is coming out this July. And I have no interest in seeing it.
2) Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, and Blonde. I have no comment on that one. Oh who am I kidding I have a comment. That sounds like some cheesy pick-up line, like "My favorite color is blonde."
3) 2 Fast 2 Furious. I just have a big sad WOW for that one.
4) Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. By the time you tell the ticket clerk that, he will already be off his shift.
I have a dream, where sequels merely have a number after the original title, where there won't be puns relating hair colors and actual colors, where ridiculous word puns won't take place, and where titles will be short enough and not have words that half of the population can't pronounce.
Posted by Nick Lopez at 4:51 PM 7 people took the time to write a comment
Labels: awards, celebrities, Harry Potter, movies, school
Monday, January 4, 2010
Lets sit in the cold and get frostbite.
^lets not and say we did^
Oh boy... I think I am feeling winter now.
Well I have been walking around in school today with SHORTS on. At least I have a comfy jacket... But still. My lip has begun to bled like five times today, and either my chapstick is not B positive friendly, or one if it's ingridients is chilly pepper, because it does not feel like any healing or pain-killing is taking place.
Yay. Half of my afternoon spent on the case of a false alarm 'failed scoliosis test' (yup. even the doctor laughed at the way the school phrased that) That is the last time I let someone measure my back's angle who's resume I haven't seen. I could have been blogging doing homework, but no! Why do productive stuff while we could spend one and a half hours sitting in the little red waiting room! All I had to read were health care panflets and retirement home brochures...
Oh dear. I forgot it. Again. But maybe, in the midst of the large crowd, nobody would notice. It was going very well so far, for you would have thought that at school they would surely figure it out. I mean not wearing an ID is usually like giving Lindsay Lohan a crate of Budweiser at her birthday party, like bringing a Happy Meal to Burger King, like wearing an AIG shirt to a taxpayer's convention. It's just not right. You can't get away with it. So as I stood in the freezing courtyard, I only prayed that no one would notice. Then, I saw a girl of one of the higher grade levels begin to walk up to me. Oh no.
"Er, kid, your backpack is open."
If only I had noticed that I was leaving a trail of fallen books behind me...
Posted by Nick Lopez at 8:52 PM 4 people took the time to write a comment
Labels: celebrities, life, school, stories
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Where did the soundtrack go???
Well life doesn't include one.
And it lacks it.
That is partly why I added Mixpod to the gadgets; because everything is so much better with a soundtrack. I mean imagine if the Titanic was stripped of it's soundtrack.
I guess that is why a lot of people (like me) are addicted to listening to their iPods. Because it gives you the feeling that you don't actually have headphones on and that the music is just there because it should. Besides when you pass a graveyard and 'Twist and Shout' happens to be on.
It is just like when you purchase an electronic product and it says 'bateries not included'. How can something not come with batteries? Well life also comes with a 'batteries not included' sticker. Except it says 'soundtrack not included'.
Seriously. Imagine that you were in a race, and you were feet from the finish line, but you were too tired to go on. Would a dramatic heroic song help? Duh.
Now you just won the track tournament. Would a victorious song be useful? Yes.
Now you are in the car with your trophe when it accidentally falls off the window. Would a tragic and sad song be appropriate? Of course!
Of course, the odds of having the trophe accidentally fall off a car window are low, but that was just for the sake of argument.
Anyways, I'm going to tell a tale of how simple gum can dehidrate you in a way that you wouldn't expect.
So I bought this gum, and after I took a better look at it, I realized it was mango flavored. I tried it, and it wasn't so bad. But it was the aftertaste that nearly killed me. I ran towards the fridge, and like usual, it was almost empty. The only thing to drink was Gatorade. So I drank it all up, only to give me a worse aftertaste. So the next day, I put on my rollerskates, and left the house. An hour later, I come back, sweating from the ninety degreee weather. I quickly take the rollerskates off and run towards the fridge to have my usual bottle of Gatorade. There was none. Nor was there any water or fluid; only fat free milk. And I despise milk. Especially fat free.
It also strikes me that Murphy's Law has been proving itself true the last few weeks, and now that I think of it, the last few years. As far as my memory goes, my toast always falls on the side with the butter. And anything that can go wrong always does. Like the other day when I slipped and fell IN THE TOILET. Yes. You heard me right.
What is the worst thing that could happened if I left the bathroom floor wet after a shower? I would soon find out. After I get dressed, I go to brush my teeth, and, of course, I slip on the water and fall into the toilet. I held my hands out, so I only got the ew-water up to my elbows. I spent the next half hour scrubing my arms with soap.
It just struck me that Lady Gaga and Hannah Montana have some things in common. Both have the same artificial looking wig. In reality, both have brown hair. It puzzles me on why Lady Gaga would wear a blonde wig when she isn't bald... Unless she thinks that blondes are better than brunettes... Nowadays, Lady Gaga has either dyed her hair blonde or bought a more natural looking wig (alleluia). And I think that Miley Cyrus has finally come to her sences and realized that in real life, she does not have identity crisis multiple identities, and that she has no reason to wear a wig. Or at least, that's what I think. At least Lady Gaga has a somewhat reasonable excuse for having fake hair on all the time: she stated that she often got confused with Amy Winehouse. But common, Lady Gaga! Amy Winehouse? Seriously? I guess that before she was famous, that might have been a slight chance that people confuse her for Winehouse, but now, most people know who Lady Gaga is. Now, the blonde look is kinda her thing, so I doubt she will stop wearing it on-stage.
But don't worry, faithful followers, if I ever become a famous singer, I won't wear an Elvis wig.
Posted by Nick Lopez at 7:59 PM 5 people took the time to write a comment
Labels: celebrities, life, music, stories